People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing – that's why we recommend it daily.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Life Just Passes Away

Once a king called upon all of his wise men and asked them “Is there a mantra or suggestion which works in every situation, in every circumstance, in every place and in every time. In every joy, every sorrow, every defeat and every victory? One answer for all questions? Something which can help me when none of you is available to advise me? Tell me is there any mantra?"
All the wise men were puzzled by the King’s question. They thought and thought. After a lengthy discussion, an old man suggested something which appealed to all of them. They went to the king and gave him something written on paper, with a condition that the king was not to see it out of curiosity.
Only in extreme danger, when the King finds himself alone and there seems to be no way, only then he can see it. The King put the papers under his Diamond ring.

Think About It!

What do you appreciate and what do you ignore? Is a sunrise any less special because its image wouldn’t make it on a magazine cover? Is any day less precious because, in your mind, “nothing special happened?” For some reason, it’s hard to be impressed with anything these days. Driving a car is a source of strain instead of wonder. The internet is already old news. Quick, when was the last time you paid attention to a space shuttle flight? Remember when that was all people could talk about? Once you take something for granted, you also take the life out of it. When nothing is “special”, boredom and gloom aren’t far behind. Look around where you’re sitting right now, and try to see it for the first time, like a child would. Think about the human potential that created the stuff in the room. Think about the miracles of nature right outside your window. Think about how amazing it is that you’re even here to see it.

Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight

Your goals – if worthwhile – will not come easy. There is no accomplishment without work, and no “win” without something to beat. It’s easy to get discouraged when roadblocks appear-it’s only natural. You’ve invested time and emotion into creating the perfect plan, and then something has to come along and muck it all up. Sometimes, though, all you have to do to beat that barrier is to get back up and move forward again. Next time you take a step back, don’t let guilt pile it on top of your previous “stumbles”. Just take two steps forward and you’re still further along than you were before. It doesn’t matter how many walls you face. You only have to get the better of that last one.

It's hard to beat a person who never gives up!

Do you know someone that never seems to give up? No matter what happens they keep going. Take a minute and think about trying to beat someone that never gives up. Even losing and failure is a kind of victory for some people. Try to look at life with a perspective of learning as much as you can from every situation and you might find that giving up shouldn’t ever be a choice. Keep trying and using those lessons of failure to build a solid foundation and victory will be your sweet reward!

Being Defeated is Temporary, Giving Up makes it Permanent!

When you fail do you find it hard to get back up? If you do, you are completely normal. Many people use failure as an excuse to give up. It is important to understand that failure is a part of the growth process. Think about this example. How many times does a small child fall over before they finally stand and eventually walk? It is countless, but somewhere along the way, most of us lose that ambition to keep trying until you succeed. The next time you are defeated, think about it as part of a process. Get up and try again and again until you move forward.

It may be alright to be content with what you have, never with what you are

We should approach life as a learning experience. We can continuously learn and improve ourselves. If we stop leading dynamic lives, we will become bored and goal setting may take a back burner to your routine. As you do the small things consistently, your foundation becomes stronger and it's a lot easier to keep balance in the rest of your life.

Keep Smiling!

Have you laughed yet today? Some days we get so busy with work or things we have to do, that we don’t take time to do something or talk to someone to make us laugh. To find more ways to laugh, you can look for humor around you--on signs, in people's behavior, on TV, in the newspaper, the things others say, the crazy things that happen to you. Laughter can help you lower your stress and just feel better.
We all come across obstacles, some anticipated and some unexpected. Every last one of us has faced some sort of difficulty in our lives. How did you approach this? Did you avoid it, allowing the problem to get bigger? Or did you go at it with full force, ready to conquer it? Perhaps once in a while an obstacle will disappear on its own, but don’t count on it. Usually, it’s going to come down to you to make it happen. But with hard work and the right attitude, you have everything you need to reach those goals. Try and look forward to the next time a roadblock comes your way; instead of an obstacle, think of it as a challenge. Then get after it!

Energy & Persistance conquer all things

Consistency is an action that is often overlooked by society. You probably don’t hear people telling you to be consistent in order to accomplish your goals. This quote reminds us that persistence and energy can conquer anything. On days when you don’t feel like doing anything, think about staying consistent. Set a streak for yourself and see how long you can go completing your goals. Consistency with energy is a powerful tool for completing any task, especially your goals…so use it whenever you get a chance.